Sunday, December 1, 2019

Research Essay Outline Name _____________________ Essays

Research Essay Outline Name: _______________________ 1. Introduction A. Thesis Statement: ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ _ B. Other ideas for introduction: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___ 2. Argument One:_______________________________________________________________ Supporting Details: A.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ B.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ C.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ D.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ 3. Argument Two:_______________________________________________________________ Supporting Details: A.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ B.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ C.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ D.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ 4. Argument Three:______________________________________________________________ Supporting Details: A.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ B.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ C.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ D.________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __ 5. Conclusion A. Points to make in conclusion: __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ____ *As you can see from the outline, you only need three arguments to support your thesis statement. However, if you want to add more arguments, you can write those in on the space below. Of course, they would come before the conclusion when writing the rough draft of your essay. Research Essay Outline Name: Mrs. Cabel 1. Introduction A. Thesis Statement: Rape culture messages are pervasive in many aspects of Canadian society, including the media and educational institutions, which have led to the normalization of rape in our country. B. Other ideas for introduction: . Story of Rehteah Parsons . Quotes from Chants (maybe a snapshot from a freshman's point of view having to cheer this) . 50 Shades of Grey - People Magazine Tweets 2. Argument One: There have been many recent high profile examples of rape culture in Canada. Supporting Details: A. Rehteah Parsons case B Freshman chants at universities - UBC and SMU (ex: YOUNG - "Y is for Your sister, O is for Oh so tight, U is for Underage, N is for No consent, G is for Go to jail") C. Dal Dentistry students - use quotes from their facebook posts 3. Argument Two: The portrayal of rape and sexual assault through different media is becoming widespread and contributes to the existence of rape culture in our society. Supporting Details: A. Rape culture messages on television - see sexual violence as entertainment a. 109 scripted dramas showed or discussed rape this season. 16 did not (Roberts) b. Quote from Two Broke Girls (Roberts) c. Rape is on the rise in the news (Roberts d. Movies - example of 50 Shades of Grey (marketed as a romance for Valentine's Day, but really is about a dangerous relationship filled with physical and emotional abuse) e. Stats on numbers of violent acts against women on major networks B. Rape culture in magazines/internet/video games a. Fashion magazines - Dolce & Gabanna ad (Zerbisias) b. c. Songs, jokes, music videos C. Social media exacerbates the problem (Kane) a. Online repercussions after sexual incidents b. Further publicizes the act - more far-reaching 4. Argument Three: Canada has very specific laws of consent, however, most incidents of sexual assault remain unreported. Supporting Details: A. Canadian laws on consent: only "yes means yes" - you don't need to say "no" according to the law B. Barriers to justice for victims a. Triangulation effect - most cases of sexual assault are not reported b. Victim blaming and misinformation regarding "fabrications" (Kane - Q) 5. Conclusion A. Points to make in conclusion: . Issues in education - could this be a solution? . Quote - "Why do we in North America feel we have the right to call rapes in India appalling when we have privileged students here glorifying it?" (Timson) . Quote - "How many more times do women have to be told to be afraid, to be very afraid, and change the way they live their lives?" (Zerbisias) ODDS AND ENDS: *Insert a paragraph between the introduction and argument one, which defines rape culture. Include: . Definition of rape culture - an ecosystem where rape is normalized and even encouraged . People are able to shrug it off or state that people are overexagerating . Victim blaming . Stats on men who said they would commit rape (Prochuck and Hutchinson) Research Essay Outline Name: Mrs. Cabel 2. Introduction A. Thesis Statement: The resurgence of heroin as a "problem drug" in the United States and Canada is a result of shrewd marketing on the part of dealers, as well as a mass switch to the drug by those who abused painkillers. B. Other ideas for introduction: . True story of actor Phillip Seymour Hoffman as a hook . Quote - "reached epidemic proportions..." (Goodman) 2. Argument One: Heroin, a drug that had been dying

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